Serse Boundary
Serse Boundary
Serse Boundary
Serse Boundary
March 2021
[2021-03-19 22:25]
en pl ru ua
The solipsic causal model of crime
Report at the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference «Science - 2013: state and prospects» DSU of Internal Affairs
[2021-03-19 16:37]
en pl ru ua
Criticism of the traditional understanding of ontology and its possible reform
Report at the sectional meeting of the final scientific conference of teachers of the Department of Philosophy of the KDPU
[2021-03-18 20:42]
en pl ru ua
Criticism of the tradition of violence in modern ontology
An article in «Вісник Міжнародного дослідницького центру: «Людина: мова, культура, пізнання»: Щокварт. науков. журнал»
[2021-03-18 15:30]
en pl ru ua
The return of ontology to the human experience of personal being
An article in «Наука 2009: зб. праць за матеріалами звітної наук.-практ. конф., 28-29 квіт. 2009 р.»
[2021-03-17 19:59]
en pl ru ua
Subject Evolution Hypothesis
Facebook discussion commentary
[2021-03-17 12:31]
en pl ru ua
Human. Postsolipsic definition
Facebook discussion commentary
[2021-03-15 12:54]
en pl ru ua
Love as a philosophical and ethical category
Introductory essay to the discussion «Metaphysics of Love»